

Upload field boundary polygons through support

Self-Upload field boundary polygons

Register pilots, spray companies/locations, aircraft, products, crops

Create and store restricted zones

Batch jobs

Export working maps for GPS (.job, .kml, .kmz, .shp)

Subtract restricted zones and optional buffer zones to adjust boundaries of working maps

Create work orders from Pre-Flight

Auto-match applications to pre-flight work orders (adjusted boundaries)


Analyze application logs

Export PDF Reports with KPIs

Interactive Application Maps

Export map layers

Weather in Reports

Attach files and notes to work orders

Auto-match logs to fields

Notifications to registered recipients upon analysis

Environmental Analysis

Business Intelligence

Analytics Dashboard

Application Dashboard

Spray Base Dashboard

Index Dashboard

Product/Financial Analytics

Comparison Module

Export BI Reports

Track Applications by Field

Export Field-Specific History Reports

Premium Service

Customer Support Access Hours

Business hours

Virtual Training

In-Person Training

Priority status in the log processing queue

Administrative Users (customizable permissions)


Custom Reports


Upload field boundary polygons through support

Self-Upload field boundary polygons

Register pilots, spray companies/locations, aircraft, products, crops

Create and store restricted zones

Batch jobs

Export working maps for GPS (.job, .kml, .kmz, .shp)

Subtract restricted zones and optional buffer zones to adjust boundaries of working maps

Create work orders from Pre-Flight

Auto-match applications to pre-flight work orders (adjusted boundaries)


Analyze application logs

Export PDF Reports with KPIs

Interactive Application Maps

Export map layers

Weather in Reports

Attach files and notes to work orders

Auto-match logs to fields

Notifications to registered recipients upon analysis

Environmental Analysis

Business Intelligence

Analytics Dashboard

Application Dashboard

Spray Base Dashboard

Index Dashboard

Product/Financial Analytics

Comparison Module

Export BI Reports

Track Applications by Field

Export Field-Specific History Reports

Premium Service

Customer Support Access Hours

Business hours

Virtual Training

In-Person Training

Priority status in the log processing queue

Administrative Users (customizable permissions)


Custom Reports


Upload field boundary polygons through support

Self-Upload field boundary polygons

Register pilots, spray companies/locations, aircraft, products, crops

Create and store restricted zones

Batch jobs

Export working maps for GPS (.job, .kml, .kmz, .shp)

Subtract restricted zones and optional buffer zones to adjust boundaries of working maps

Create work orders from Pre-Flight

Auto-match applications to pre-flight work orders (adjusted boundaries)


Analyze application logs

Export PDF Reports with KPIs

Interactive Application Maps

Export map layers

Weather in Reports

Attach files and notes to work orders

Auto-match logs to fields

Notifications to registered recipients upon analysis

Environmental Analysis

Business Intelligence

Analytics Dashboard

Application Dashboard

Spray Base Dashboard

Index Dashboard

Product/Financial Analytics

Comparison Module

Export BI Reports

Track Applications by Field

Export Field-Specific History Reports

Premium Service

Customer Support Access Hours

Extended Support

Virtual Training

In-Person Training

Custom Option

Priority status in the log processing queue

Custom Option

Administrative Users (customizable permissions)


Custom Reports

Custom Option


Basic(20% off)

Talk with us


Upload field boundary polygons through support

Self-Upload field boundary polygons

Register pilots, spray companies/locations, aircraft, products, crops

Create and store restricted zones

Batch jobs

Export working maps for GPS (.job, .kml, .kmz, .shp)

Subtract restricted zones and optional buffer zones to adjust boundaries of working maps

Create work orders from Pre-Flight

Auto-match applications to pre-flight work orders (adjusted boundaries)


Analyze application logs

Export PDF Reports with KPIs

Interactive Application Maps

Export map layers

Attach files and notes to work orders

Auto-match logs to fields

Environmental Analysis

Business Intelligence

Analytics Dashboard

Application Dashboard

Spray Base Dashboard

Index Dashboard

Product/Financial Analytics

Comparison Module

Export BI Reports

Track Applications by Field

Export Field-Specific History Reports

Premium Service

Customer Support Access Hours

Business hours

Business hours

Extended Support hours

Virtual Training

In-Person Training

Custom Option

Priority status in the log processing queue

Custom Option

Administrative Users (customizable permissions)




Custom Reports

Custom Option

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Talk with us
Talk with us

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Quick Answers

Frequently asked questions

What brands of DGPS are compatible with Perfect Flight?

We can export job files and process log files for the following brands: AgNav, SATLOC, Travicar, AgPilotX. We can work with other manufacturers by request, as we have done in special cases for UAVs.

Which log files should I upload?

● In case of Satloc DGPS: files in “.log” format.
● In the case of DGPS Ag-Nav: files in “.no1” and “.t” formats (in this case the .no1 and .t formats must be sent, as the two complement each other to form the application's geometry).
● In case of DGPS Travicar: files in “.kmz“ formats.

What kinds of field boundary files are compatible with Perfect Flight?

.kml/.kmz (Keyhole Markup Language) format compatible with Google Earth

Do I need to buy any hardware from Perfect Flight?

No, Perfect Flight is a cloud-based software platform. As long as you already have a DGPS and flow-control unit, you will be able to use Perfect Flight.

What are the Key Performance Indicators included in the reports and how are they calculated?

Perfect Flight application log analysis include multiple indexes, but especially highlights four KPIs:

● Success: This metric will give you an idea of the overall success of an application at a glance. It's algorithm takes into account the other 3 KPIs, and generally indicates coverage.
● Uniformity: This metric is a quantification of the uniformity of the swaths in the application, approaching the coverage by looking at alignment and swath width.
● Dosage Error: This metric tells how much you overlapped (double or triple dose) and missed inside the intended application area.
● Waste: This metric lets you know how much product was deposited outside the intended application area.
● Uniformity Index: ratio between area with correct dose and area of correctness.

The Perfect Flight KPIs are not just relations between areas. These are complex calculations that take into account several variables to assess points where the application took place in the correct dose and points where the application took place in a higher or lower dose than planned.

Can I export reports from the Business Intelligence dashboard?

Yes, you can export your analytics data as .csv, .xlsx, or .pdf.

Does Perfect Flight have an API?

Yes, you can see our library here:

Can I use Perfect Flight internationally?

Yes, Perfect Flight services customers in a variety of countries. Note that some features and support hours may be difficult to provide in new geographies.

Can I use Perfect Flight for UAVs?

For pre-flight, Perfect Flight job files are compatible with most UAVs. For post-flight analysis, compatibility will need to be assessed based on make and model. In some cases, we may be able to modify our system to accept new log files.